American Heart Association logoAmerican Heart Association

Renew Now to Help Save Lives

您的捐赠对于改善高危社区血压结果的救生行动至关重要, 使人们能够控制自己的健康和更多.
Man checking blood pressure

Patient Support

Our online community of patients, 无论遇到什么障碍,幸存者和照顾者都会在这里让你继续前进.

CPR and ECC Training

Be prepared for an emergency: Learn CPR. Save a life.

Professional Membership


Volunteer Opportunities


How we are changing the future of health together

自1924年美国心脏协会成立以来, 心血管疾病导致的死亡减少了一半. 然而,仍有许多生命需要拯救. By driving breakthroughs in science, policy and care, 我们可以共同努力,继续促进健康,每天都改变人们的生活.
19 Million+
High blood pressure patients helped
$5 Billion+
我们资助的心脏、大脑和心血管研究比任何非营利的美国医疗机构都要多.S. organization except the federal government.
22 Million
People trained in CPR every year
10个在医院外心脏骤停的人中有9个死亡. 如果立即实施,心肺复苏术可以使人的生存机会增加一倍或三倍.

Scientific Sessions 2024

心血管科学和医学专业人士:您现在可以注册科学会议. 不要错过你所在领域突破性科学发现的全球盛会, 在哪里庆祝美国心脏协会成立100周年.

Join us in Chicago Nov. 16-18.

Register for Scientific Sessions 2024

scientific stock illustration



Press Pause on Stress

10月10日是世界精神卫生日,所以本周休息一下,看看我们简短而平静的视频吧. 宁静的场景伴随着轻松的呼吸和正念练习.


Well-being Works Better™ Scorecard

你想要改善员工的健康状况,提高工作效率,增加员工留存率吗? 根据领先的劳动力健康专家的意见构建, Well-being Works Better™记分卡评估您组织的健康和幸福文化. The fall deadline is Oct. 31.


Encuentra recursos, apoyo e información sobre la prevención, Tratamiento recuperación de los derrames cerebres. 美国中风协会(La American Stroke Association)表示,该协会提供了一种有效的治疗方法,以减少对大脑损伤的影响.

Feel like refreshing your meal routine?

从美国心脏协会的美味新食谱中获得灵感, bringing you the joy of discovery, taste, and healthy eating.

Visit for heart-healthy recipes

Featured Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Smoothie


The AHA Turns 100

For 100 years, the American Heart Association, along with our volunteers, supporters and collaborating organizations, has worked to build longer, healthier lives. 在接下来的100年里,我们将继续致力于为每个人创造一个健康和希望的未来,我们不会放松, everywhere.

young woman in runners starting position

Join 100 Ways In 100 Days

为了庆祝百年校庆,我们送你一份礼物! Join our FREE, 在接下来的100天里,每周都会收到一封电子邮件,为你提供有价值的健康建议, moving more, and improving overall wellbeing.

Make 2024 your best year yet!

Your Support Helps Save Lives

There are so many ways to give. Make a gift in a way that is meaningful for you.